Is Jublia Safe During Pregnancy? | Research-Based Report

Pre-motherhood, i.e., the pregnancy period, demands extra caution to be embarked on by expecting parents. Some women have commonly been facing issues of toenail fungus while they’re expecting. The syndrome is nothing of emergency that needs immediate treatment. However, even if you are willing to treat, strictly adhering to a topical solution would be the best. Jublia is one such solution that we are going to talk about in this blog post. But, the question lies, Is Jublia Safe During Pregnancy? 

Is Jublia Safe During Pregnancy

Well, to clarify all your doubts, we have discussed each aspect related to the use of Jublia. In Spite of being a prescription medication, it comes with specific intrinsic details that need relevant attention. Especially when you intend to opt for the solution during pregnancy, certain things need proper emphasis. Throughout the report, we will try to encompass results based on appropriate research and tests. Thus, hang around with us till the end and discover how far the product can work for you during your pre-motherhood phase. 

Is Jublia Safe During Pregnancy? 

It is a general opinion that topical solutions are not likely to interfere with the bloodstream. Thus, to prevent maternity toenail fungal infections, Jublia can be one of your picks. Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes are nail dermatophytosis that leads to toenail fungal infections. Jublia topical solution helps treat infections caused by these nail dermatophytosis. It is meant to be administered topically on the affected toenails for 48 weeks. On the contrary, certain side effects such as redness, pain, swelling, ingrown toenails, irritation, etc., have commonly been witnessed. 

It contains Efinaconazole, which forms part of the azole antifungal category of drugs. Jublia, as a topical solution, treats specific areas affected by fungal infections. The formula is not effective in treating bacterial infections. High precaution needs to be maintained while using the drug. During pregnancy, one can undertake using the formula under the strict supervision of a medical practitioner. Since it is a topical solution, the risk is almost close to nil. However, if you tend to witness the side effects at a greater level, immediate action needs to be taken. 

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Report Based On Research 

The product formula has no reference to tests being undertaken on pregnant women. Nevertheless, a research-based study was undertaken on specific animals (rats and rabbits), and nothing proved to be harmful. The US FDA has decided on cutting out some of the pregnancy stages from using the product. Apart from that, the medication does not come with any pregnancy labeling to rely on. No risk as such ought to be caused when using the formula during pregnancy. But, one cannot just jump to a conclusion as relevant research and data remain missing. It is upon comparing the potential benefits with the possible risk summary; one can draw a proper conclusion. 

Perks And Drawbacks 


  • It is a topical solution and does not involve risk in general 
  • Easy to use formula 
  • It comes with it an applicator for convenient use 
  • The topical solution targets the specific affected areas
  • Jublia prescribing information is easily accessible 


  • It comes with specific side effects 
  • You are to use it under the strict supervision of a medical practitioner 
  • No relevant data is available for use during pregnancy 
  • Treats infections only caused by fungus 
  • It is for use only on toenails 

Cessation | Is Jublia Safe During Pregnancy?

With all that input, we come to the end of the discussion on ‘Is Jublia Safe During Pregnancy?’. Though, Julia can be a good enough formula for treating toenail fungal infections under normal circumstances. It requires extra care when it comes down to the maternity phase of a woman. The ultimate suggestion would be to consult the doctor in relation to the potential benefits and risks. It would be ideal for embarking on the formula after proper examination. 

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