Musely spot peel Review – Must Read This Before Buying

Do you know the difference between an orange peel and a spot peel? They both sound alike but peeling can mean different on many levels in the skincare industry. 

Have you ever thought about literally peeling your skin and revealing new skin underneath? It sounds like reptiles, like snakes shed their old skin and grow a new one. You get to see your glowing or mark-free skin. 

Let’s discuss Musely spot peel reviews and what wonders it can do on our skin in detail. 

What is Musely Spot Peel?

Musely is a cosmetic company headed by a team of dermatologists who offer personalized skincare remedies for problems like acne, wrinkles, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation. 

There is a little story behind the brand; let’s get into it. One glorious day a couple named Jack and Cherry Jia spent time gardening and golfing like how they used to do mostly. But unfortunately, some incidents in life come with consequences, and for them, it was Chery Jia’s skin issues. As the days were passing Chery Jia noticed something odd about her skin. She was experiencing some fine lines near her eyes and dark spots on her face.The worried couple sought help from a dermatologist named Dr. Marie Jhin. 

After the guidance and careful observations, a treatment worked for her, and all seemed magical as the skin was glowing, with absolutely no marks or signs of pigmentation.
The couple combined with dermatologist Dr. Marie Jhin decided to share the skin formula to the world, that is how the brand FaceRX came to life.

FaceRX, a part of Musley, was born as a treatment to offer to the public with head dermatologist Dr. Marie Jhin. The brand continues to join hands with dermatologists to provide personalized treatment for individuals. 

About the product

The spot peel is a treatment for dark spots, uneven skin tone, and enhancing glow. It has two sets of formulations Boost and Burst, which contain different ingredients and are recommended according to your skin condition. The best results are seen if spot peel is combined with spot cream. 

Description about the product

  • Musley Spot Peel retail for $99
  • It can be purchased from the website
  • Treatment is used every 6 months 
  • Contains natural ingredients
  • Fast cure for dark spots

How does it work?

The spot peel blocks the formation of melanin in the skin and lifts away dark spots. It adds a layer between the sun and skin to not affect the skin by the UV rays. 

What are the ingredients in spot peel?

Spot peels contain various natural ingredients, so let’s go over them one by one. 

  • Azelaic Acid: It helps to kill bacteria that cause acne and rosacea. The Acid helps the skin renew faster and gives a glowing finish.
  • Tretinoin: Helps skin cells to process quickly and turnover to treat wrinkles, acne, and more.
  • Arbutin: It fades dark spots by preventing the formation of melanin in the skin.
  • Hydroquinone: Fades dark spots and prevents UV rays from penetrating the skin. 
  • Titanium Dioxide: Helps protect the skin from UV rays.
  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that helps uneven tone and repairs the skin

How to apply spot peel?

  • Apply a thin layer of The Spot Peel to use the entire face or directed by the dermatologist. 
  • It may sting a little at first, taking about 5-10 minutes to dry out.
  • Leave the peel for 8-12 hours. If the stinging gets worse, remove it immediately. The spot peel is one-time use only. 

Day 1-3 after treatment 

  • Follow the instructions carefully (how to take off, moisturize, SPF) 
  • Some redness and peeling will occur 

Day 3-5 after treatment 

  • Intense peeling may occur 
  • Start using the spot cream 7 days later to continue treatment

Musley spot peel reviews

Musley spot peel reviews

Musley spot peel reviews

  •  The Spot peel really did a fantastic job giving a boost to removing my facial brown spots. Ever since I moved to the coast, I have increasing been getting more and more a I am a sun lover and probably don’t reapply sunscreen as often as I should. Unacceptable for the future! As the peeling faded I noticed a huge difference; many areas needing repair on my face started peeling away. I also noticed the Spot Peel helped with diminishing my larger pores. Within a week I stated the The Spot Cream. I am so impressed I immediately ordered the Skin Regeneration Set. Cant wait to see the results !
  • “I am on day 13 and couldn’t be happier! I cannot believe the results I am seeing before my eyes!! I thought this would never go away!! Thank you!”
  • “I never post!!!! But I have had 3-4 laser treatments in the past. Results with this are better!!! I swear no makeup, no filter in these pics!!!”